Our Story

Passion lives in our brand – the passion to inspire and enhance the lives of people who come our way. We are inspired by the culture and stories of our neighbourhood. The essence of our locale is subtly reflected in our very identity

Our mission to make Everyday to be Extraordinary for our guests and amongst associates encourage every associate to embrace creativity and innovative thinking. It involves prompting individuals to think beyond traditional boundaries, envision new possibilities, and explore fresh ideas. We value the essence of fostering a mental environment where one's mind is free to wander, dream, and create original concepts, often leading to breakthroughs. 

We strive to create memorable and joyful moments with our guests and foster a positive, fun and engaging work environment among associates. Bringing energy, excitement, and emotion to everyday events, transforming ordinary situations into memorable and enjoyable experiences.

We are committed to sustainable practices and understand people matters. We aim to enhancing the quality and fulfillment of our guests, associates and community’s lives. Taking initiatives that add value, improve conditions, and create a more meaningful and satisfying life for individuals and communities.

Join the WEIL family

We’re always on the lookout for passionate, committed and creative individuals to join our family. Get in touch with us and share your inspiring stories

Let's Join Us!
start your journey

In WEIL Hotel, delivering seamless services and providing the best experience is our utmost priority. Kindly let us know if any assistance regarding the room is needed.
